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Securing Women Migration Cycle

East Africa and the Horn of Africa
Past activities
Start and End Date
3 April 2018 – 2 December 2021


AICS Roma – Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development


Contact info


Securing Women Migration Cycle aims to contribute to the efforts of IOM and ILO in Lebanon and Ethiopia in strengthening the tools for the protection of human rights and for the management of female migratory flows through the strengthening of the protection and assistance network for 1,500 women internal migration cycle (who mainly returned from Lebanon and other Gulf countries) to Ethiopia in the period 2018-2021.


In Lebanon:

  • Development of the reception, protection and repatriation capacities of three shelters in the country. Improved detention conditions in Adlieh prison in favor of migrant women in Lebanon

In Ethiopia:

  • Supported the reception and socioeconomic reintegration capacities of one shelter in the country, focusing on migrants repatriated from Lebanon and other countries
  • Enhanced the competencies of potential migrants in the management of remittances

 In Lebanon & Ethiopia

  • Strengthened the dialogue on the protection of migrants with Lebanese institutions, communities of origin and employers.
  • Enhanced the services of three shelters managed by Caritas Lebanon (local partner) and capacity building of CL’s staff in Lebanon
  • Strengthened the existing assistance services on voluntary return
  • Conducted a study on employment, small business and use of remittances with micro-credit in Ethiopia
Activities with a reintegration component taking place in Ethiopia:
  1. Improvement of the returnees’ assistance services: Establishment of a shelter in Ethiopia, where returnees are welcomed and accompanied through their social reintegration processes in their communities of origin (shelter managed by CVM NGO jointly with Caritas Ethiopia)
  2. Empowerment of professional skills and information on rights: Vocational training for beneficiaries interested on the employment opportunities in the labour market, taking advantage of the existent local/zonal institutional offices of the BoLSA and ZoLSA in Ethiopia and the local branches of the Job Creation Office.
  3. Provision of job and social outplacement services: Vocational training on Business planning development, which includes the submission and eventual approval of a Business plan by the beneficiary, together with the Job Creation Office (JCO) and its counterpart in Ethiopia, the NGO CVM. Followed by a deposit of start-up capital to support the income-generating activity.
Attachment Size
CELIM Brochure 831.17 KB
The "Tutor of Resilience toolkit" 2.41 MB