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Challenges in the Reintegration of Return Migrants with Chronic Medical Conditions; IOM

Challenges in the Reintegration of Return Migrants with Chronic Medical Conditions; IOM
Afghanistan, Arménie, Azerbaïdjan, Ghana, Kosovo sous administration des Nations Unies (résolution 1244 du Conseil de sécurité), Mongolie, Maroc
Asie et Pacifique, Europe de l’Est et du Sud-Est et Asie centrale, Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations
M. van Schayk

This report provides insight into the lived reality of voluntary returnees with chronic medical conditions who returned to Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ghana, UNSC resolution 1244-administered Kosovo, Mongolia and Morocco. The report was developed in the framework of the IOM project Measures to Enhance the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) of Migrants with a Chronic Medical Condition Residing in the EU. The project was funded by the European Return Fund Community Actions 2011 and co-funded by the Government of the Netherlands. The report recommends the implementation of psychological support and counselling for returnees, starting in the host country. It also stresses the importance of taking the household as the basic unit of support and advises IOM to strengthen its local network in countries of origin.