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These present guiding principles are intended for use by state authorities and civil society bodies, as well as inter-governmental organizations in the OSCE region involved in developing, applying, evaluating and reforming national laws, policies and practices...
The present guide is intended to provide key information on the importance of a psychosocial approach to post-arrival reintegration counselling, describing the basic counselling and communication skills necessary to conduct a successful and psychologically...
En el marco del Programa Mesoamerica, la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), propuso la elaboración de un mapeo regional de programas o fondos de asistencia para apoyar el retorno voluntario de personas migrantes en situación de...
The overarching goals of this Toolkit are those of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. These goals are: To...
Following the advice of the Return Expert Group (REG) and the discussion within the Working Party on Integration, Migration and Expulsion of 14 April 2016, Member States agreed on the principle of alignment of existing AVR(R) programmes within the EU...
Este juego de herramientas ha sido creado por Etimos Foundation, junto con la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) y la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (o sea la “Asociación de Formación Profesional del...
Este juego de herramientas ha sido creado por Etimos Foundation, junto con la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) y la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (o sea la “Asociación de Formación Profesional del...
Este juego de herramientas ha sido creado por Etimos Foundation, junto con la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) y la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (o sea la “Asociación de Formación Profesional del...
Cette boite à outils a été développée par la Fondation Etimos, en collaboration avec l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) et la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (c’est à dire l’Association de Formation...
Cette boite à outils a été développée par la Fondation Etimos, en collaboration avec l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) et la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (c’est à dire l’Association de Formation...
Cette boite à outils a été développée par la Fondation Etimos, en collaboration avec l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) et la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (c’est à dire l’Association de Formation...
Professional Standards for Protection Work (third edition) constitutes a set of minimum but essential standards aimed at ensuring that protection work carried out by human rights and humanitarian actors in armed conflict and other situations of violence is...
This document provides guidance for state authorities on the design and implementation of return procedures that are child rights compliant. In particular, it sets out concrete measures necessary to ensure respect for the rights of every child, including...
This guidance note provides ten core principles that practitioners can follow when aiming to integrate livelihoods and protection programming in urban humanitarian response, with a focus on supporting economic outcomes for beneficiaries. Key actions in...
This booklet aims to highlight the main results and impact of the TVRP in the lives of trafficked persons as well as more generally in the field of re/integration in the Balkans. It summarises the overall assessment conducted in 2014 through interviews of...
The Practitioners Guide on Migration and International Human Rights Law analyses the protection afforded to migrants by international law and the means to implement it at national and international levels. The Guide synthesises and clarifies international...
In line with international human rights and humanitarian law, and with refugee law by analogy, these 30 principles set out the rights and guarantees relevant to the protection of and assistance to IDPs in all phases of displacement.
Through a broad and inclusive consultative process held in 2015-2016, the MICIC Initiative developed Guidelines to Protect Migrants in Countries Experiencing Conflict or Natural Disaster (The Guidelines). The Guidelines apply to situations in which migrants are...
This Global Compact presents a non-legally binding, cooperative framework that builds on the commitments agreed upon by Member States in the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants. It fosters international cooperation among all relevant actors on...
This Framework is intended to provide guidance to professionals after a decision has been made regarding the return of children – either as unaccompanied or as part of a family unit – to their own country of origin or to another, resettlement country. While...